Before he can finish, a communications link opened. Despite her brave face, she confessed her own fear to herself: “Patients were hallucinating, self-harming suffering severe depression, raving about monsters…it would take more than a no-fly order to stop this.” Perry interrupted her thoughts as he bursted into the room, ranting about a dozen injured colonists who are apparently gravely injured. Nicole is confident that Mathius’ decision is keeping the Ishimura safe. She and her assistant, Perry debated the morality of Captain Mathius’ no-fly order.

She noted the peculiarity that the medical crew was cut considerably and what little staff remained was switched out with many people with whom she is unfamiliar. Shortly after extraction, Nicole is shown reflecting on the impact of the Marker on much of the crew. Kyne pointedly corrected her insensitivity as Nicole left politely. A conversation over Harris’ insanity quickly turned awkward as Nicole inadvertently offended the doctor by stating that all of the “colony crazies” are Unitologists. Terrence Kyne's office, two days prior to extraction. The conversation and scene culminated with a solemn goodbye as Nicole boarded a shuttle to the Ishimura.

Isaac seemed to be taking it harder than Nicole which prompted his girlfriend and fiancé to lighten the mood by cracking jokes over Isaac's own failure to propose to her, being the reason why they were not both assigned to the USG Ishimura. The story began with a conversation between Nicole Brennan and Isaac Clarke over the news of Nicole's recent relocation and promotion. It was published by Image Comics and is written by Antony Johnston, with art by Ben Templesmith. Dead Space: Extraction is a comic tie-in for the video game of the same name.